Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Suzuki Airi wearing Kimono for Suzunoya Kimono Shop commercial

Suzuki Airi

℃-ute's member, Suzuki Airi is featured in a TV commercial promoting the Suzunoya Kimono Shop, in these video she is, of course, wearing kimono and shelooks great, as always. In the store's youtube channel there are two versions of this CM, the 15 seconds version and the 30 seconds version.



In addition, there are several pictures of Airi in their official website (ピックアップ | 2017鈴乃屋振袖新作コレクション).

Suzuki Airi

Suzuki Airi

Suzuki Airi

Suzuki Airi

Suzuki Airi

Suzuki Airi

Suzuki Airi

Suzuki Airi - Kimono