Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Morning Musume's ENDLESS SKY PV preview, a message to their American fans, and more in this week’s Hello! Project Station

A new episode of Hello! Project Station has been released and this time we have a preview ofr one of the song for Morning Musume's new single. The song is titled ENDLESS SKY. Then the girsl announce their concert at Anime Matsuri in Houston next year, Nonaka Miki does a great job translating the message in this video.

モー娘。'15新曲MV公開!カントリー・ガールズ新メンバー、J=Jツアー、田口ヘアアレンジ MC:嗣永桃子・梁川奈々美・船木結【ハロ!ステ#147】

Hosting this week's episode are three Country Girls members, Tsugunaga Momoko, and the two new ones, Yanagawa Nanami and Funaki Musubu, they both have a profile interview video in this episode.